Scene two

Hello again. Melisa is sitting on the step, so it has to be morning. She had a bit of a shock yesterday. It seems that at the ripe old age of fifteen her father has decided to marry her off. Mr Dapplethorpe gave her the news yesterday morning and she spent the day either crying into her pillow or dreaming up escape plans. For instance, … Continue reading Scene two

The Marmalade Riots Part Two

“They’re gathering at the gate Sir.” “Really. Are they they aware that it is against the law to form a crowd.” “I don’t think they care Sir.” “Don’t care, don’t care.” The little fat man flared into angry excitement. “I’ll go and tell them Sir.” Felix half trotted half walked out of the room. The big double oak doors were closed behind him by the … Continue reading The Marmalade Riots Part Two

Quotation, comma, full stop.

Since the 20th December my life has read like a soap opera. The opening scene a wedding. And I quote, “I do solely declare…” You couldn’t make it up if you tried. The wedding, the non christian Christmas, the house, the move, the weather, oh boy, the bloody weather, the plumber, the lecci, the upside down, back to front shower, the leaks, the shed debacle … Continue reading Quotation, comma, full stop.